Home Placement Services Our Services and Contacts
Address Suite 73, Market Buildings
195 High Street
Telephone 0208 847 1777
Fax 0208 847 1321
Website www.itss.me.uk
Email enquiries@itss.me.uk
Support Profile
At Integrated Team Support Services we recognize the importance of our role in providing services to young people that are consistent safe and secure. Our services promote child protection and minimize the risk of harm faced by vulnerable young people. We work within the framework of Every child Matters and our aim is to assist and support young people in achieving the aims of the 5 outcomes identified within the framework.
Be Healthy
Stay safe
Enjoy and achieve
Make a positive contribution
Achieve economic well being
Every Child Matters brings services together around the needs of the child and the family, to achieve these outcomes. Everyone delivering services for children and young people has a role in this, including those working in childcare settings, schools, health services, social care, youth services, the police and criminal justice system.
ITSS will enable and support staff in meeting the challenges of Every Child Matters, in:
Developing the core skills for working with young people
Partnership working and development
Finding out young people's needs and providing services and activities which focus on these needs
Contributing to the 5 outcomes
Within this framework our specific aims are to provide services that promote the following
1 To provide a stable placement
2 Continuity of carers
3 To assist young people in developing independence skills that enable them to achieve full independence
4 To promote and maintain relationships with carers
5 To assist young people in achieving independence in self-care, health, budgeting, domestic skills and personal & social relationships
6 To support young people in achieving their full potential in education or employment
7 To support young people in the process of transition and resettlement upon leaving our service
8 To have a range of services available to young people that provides contingency planning for emergencies or crisis
9 To promote the maximization of income for young people including where eligible state benefits
10 To promote services that enable young people to participate in the assessment and care planning and review process
11 To provide young parents with the skills required to enable them to be positive parents including pregnancy and ante natal care.
12 To promote child protection and implement our policies at all times
Range of Support services
All placements will be provided within accommodation that has been inspected and approved by the local council. Each Young Person will be provided with a room meeting standards for Supporting People and in conjunction with relevant Housing Act regulations. All rooms are to a high standard and specification and will include a, bed, wardrobe, desk chair cabinets, curtains and TV. Pots/pans cutlery crockery and bedding are also provided.
On reception a starter pack with toiletries is provided.
Induction includes instructions on how to use equipment and health and safety matters are addressed. A breakdown of local amenities, resources, services and public transport is provided.
An Occupancy Agreement must be signed
At the initial care plan meeting we will agree with Social Workers what areas of support would be undertaken by us and this is incorporated into a Support Plan. This is used for ongoing monitoring and is also part of the review meeting.
Keyworker allocated to each young person
Staff will attend planning and review meetings
Keywork sessions are provided monthly
Monthly reports are provided
Inclusion on our comprehensive Independent Assessment Programme
Daily record sheets/diary are kept
Support is provided weekly for each young person
Sleep-in cover can provided dependent upon the client group.
Support is available during the day. Cover is provided 8.00am -10.00pm
If the Young person is not registered with GP/Dentist then they will receive support from staff to resolve this. Other medical issues are supported according to the needs identified. If advice/support is required on sexual health this is included in keywork sessions. Dietary monitoring is also included.
Access to local schools/colleges is supported by staff if required. This would include attending visits to schools to assess suitability. Assistance in finding the right academic institution will include telephone calls research etc and discussions/liaison with education professionals. Normally until situation is resolved although some additional support may be required from the allocated worker. Support will also be provided to assist the young person in finding suitable vocational training if this is appropriate.
If the Young Person has family or relatives that they wish to have contact with and this requires some support from staff then this is available although normally only at the unit/house. Supported visits outside of the unit are chargeable.
Young People are encouraged to socialise with peer groups or people with same/similar interests. In some cases this can mean other young people or adults visiting the unit. As long as this is within the boundaries of the Occupancy Agreement this is acceptable and can be supported by staff.
Young People are constantly monitored on their self-care and personal hygiene. They are encouraged to maintain a suitable standard of hygiene and to be aware of sharing their environment with others.
This is monitored regularly and is part of the keywork sessions and planning review meetings. Young People are assessed on cooking, shopping and domestic skills and identified needs incorporated into the care plan. They will also be provided with certificated health & safety and food hygiene training.
Personal allowances are paid weekly. Young people are monitored on how they budget/save and quality appropriateness of items/food they purchase. In some cases we may need to dispense the weekly allowance across the whole week to assist in budget management.
Some Young People will wish to practice their faith whilst in our placements. This may include attendance at church, synagogue, mosque etc although requests are made to use the facilities of the unit. This is encouraged and supported as long as it does not breach the requirements of the occupancy agreement or infringe upon the rights of anther young person. These issues are discussed prior to the placement being confirmed.
Chargeable services
Support to attend courts, Police Stations, solicitors appointments etc
Additional support hours above what is outlined
Support transport etc to attend special events.
This is not confirmation of an agreement or contract with the purchasing agency. ITSS reserve the right to amend support packages. Where this occurs 4 weeks notice will be given in writing.
Costs for our services are inclusive of many additional factors although we strive to ensure our fees are fair, competitive and consistent.
As well as the above service provision typical factors we take into consideration are:
Accommodation & Support
Council Tax
Recreational activities
We provide 3 levels of service
Level 1:
Up to 5 hours of support
Level 2:
Up to 20 hours support
Level 3:
20 hours or more including 24 hours daily and dependent on presenting needs
We can also provide specialist rates for waking nights or hourly charges.
All fees are exclusive of weekly allowances payable to each young person
All above fees are based on a weekly valuation and are subject to VAT.
Care package Proposal
Name: Young Person
D.O.B. 01/01/89
Current address: London Care
This is a proposal for a care package of support to Young Person. This proposal has been formulated by a referral from the Accommodation Social worker.
Level 1
Placement within London. 1/2 bedroom flat.
Own large single furnished room to be provided for duration of placement.
Ongoing assessment during placement as required by Social Services including self-harm and anger management.
Induction into new accommodation including use of equipment and facilities as well as health and safety advice.
Personal file to include, daily record keeping, reports, correspondence, assessments, medication monitoring care plan and movement sheets.
Full independence assessment
Access to Independence Programme if required
Allocated key worker.
Support in developing and maintaining personal, social, and family relationships, including interpersonal skills.
Weekly feedback and monthly reports for Social Worker
Support with education/further education.
Support to identify work place setting or suitable employment
Help and advice with independence life/social skills, budgeting, cooking, cleaning and personal hygiene. .
1:1 Sessions with key-worker as required
Support worker available 5/8 hours per week
Supported attendance to review meetings as required.
Supported attendance to doctors and follow-up appointments.
Registration with local GP/dentist as required
Support to achieve religious or dietary needs
This proposal should be viewed as an individual care package formulated especially for Mr S One whilst he is placed in a 1 bed flat in Norfolk. There is an expectation that it will be included in the statutory or unscheduled reviews of Mr One’s circumstances as they occur.
We would recommend that this package is reviewed within 3 months.
All ITSS placements must be for a minimum of 8 weeks
Cost for care package
Social Worker Signature…………………………………………
Team Manager Signature ………………………………………