Please sign my guestbook to let me know that you’ve been here!

If you have any questions for me, I can answer them here, too.

  1. Grandma Sylvia and Grandpa

    Good Morning Sophia:

    I am so sorry to know that you are not feeling well, however after today I am sure that you will be feeling 100% better and full of pep. We love you so terribly much and worry when you do not feel good. Sorry that I have not sent you any notes that is because I spend as long as two hours looking at your pictures. YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL.

    Love Grandma and Grandpa

  2. aweome cousin Meghan

    I like your website!!! Thanks for the make-up set. Now that I know about your website, I will send you lots of letters.

  3. Cousin Angie

    Dear Sophia.
    I was looking at your pictures. I think you look ADORABLE!!
    I can’t wait to see you the next time you visit. I miss you tremendously and and can’t wait to look at the rest of your website. I love and miss you more then ever.

    Love your cousin Angie

  4. cousin gracie

    Dear Sophia,
    I just got the lipgloss from your mom, Now that I now your website I will send you more letters. Tell your mom thank you.
    love you!
    cousin gracie

  5. Grandma

    Hi Sophia
    I loved your little gift it was sooo thoughtful of you. Grandpa is always asking me not to use my finger to open the mail now I have that beautiful letter opener. I will never use my finger again, and I will always think of you when I have to open an envelope.
    Well you certainly are growing up—schoool and birthday parties and friends, lots of fun. It make me smile when I think of you doing all those things. Rememmber even though Im far away,I love you very much
    Sending hugs and kisses, Grandma Lopez

  6. Lori Hollands

    you are soooooo pretty!!!! please let your mommy know that i tried several times to call and text her and i keep getting error messages!!!!! i miss her tons!!!!!!
    lori hollands

  7. Aunt Ann

    Hi Sophia,
    I just read your message and I’m so glad that you made some friends. How exciting and how lucky THEY are to have you as a friend. How is school? You much be such a big girl, because only big girls get to go to school. It does seem like you have such a busy social life right now. I hope you can fit in a visit to New York soon.
    Well Ava, stay well and happy and remember “I love you”
    Aunt Ann

  8. Grandma

    Good morning Sophia
    I just saw all your birthday pictures–they were GREAT. Grandpa and I were so sad we couldn’t be there for your birthday party but your aunt Chris showed me the videos and I could see what a good time everyone had–especially YOU!
    I just loved looking at all your pictures .You looked sooo beautiful in your dresses. Your mom and dad are going to find it very hard to pick the ones they like best they are all wonderful. I could see that you enjoy your books and it looked to me that your a good climber.
    I think my favorite one the very last picture,you are sitting in your own pink chair you look like a princess.
    I say goodbye for now,as always I’m sending lots of hugs and kisses to you. Love, Grandma Lopez

  9. Aunt Ann

    Hi Pretty Girl:
    Ava I just saw all the beautiful pictures of you that mommy sent and I had to tell you how much I enjoyed looking at them. I can’t believe how much you have grown. I heard from Aunt Chris that you had a wonderful birthday party. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there but I can’t wait to see you again. I hope it’s soon. I know you can’t promise me not to grow up, but just try not to do it too fast.
    I love you sweetie
    Ann Aunt

  10. Cousin Angie (Angelina)

    Dear Sophia,

    I love your website!!!! You have so many great pitcures and vidios to look at. But my favorite part is the guestbook. It’s like getting fan mail. I can’t wait to read the rest of your “FAMILY FAN MAIL”. I love you and miss you. Lots of hugs and kisses. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Love, Cousin Angie

  11. Cousin Angie (Angelina)

    To my dearest cousin Sophia,

    i just got access to your website. You are so cute. Having a website ALL ABOUT YOU is great. I mean a WHOLE website to show your pretty face. Remember when you get older thank your mommy and daddy for ALL this. I love and miss you more then EVER!!! Can’t wait to see you. BYE
    xoxoxoxo Love, Cousin Angie
    p.s HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Grandma

    Hi Sophia
    I just love the photo book you sent me. All the wonderful pictures of you at Thanksgiving and Christmas.You sure had very beautiful outfits. Did your mom and dad help you shop for them? I can’t decide which one you look the best in, but that’s because you look perfect no matter what you wear or dont wear.

    Well good bye for now,you can thank mom and dad for me but I'm going to call them tonight so I can tell them how much I appreciate their thoughtfulness.
    Sending lots of hugs and kisses, Love Grandma Lopez

  13. Grandma

    Hi Sophia
    It’s Sunday afternoon and grandpa and I are having a very lazy day.
    I wonder what you are up to today. Mommy told me that you have been walking , well I know you would be doing that before your one-year old birthday, just like your dad .I know it must be a wonderful feeling to be able to stand up and walk to where you want to be all by yourself. Keep up the good work. We’ll Ill say goodbye for now, just wanted you to know I’m thinking of you and love you very much
    Grandma Lopez

  14. grandma

    Good morning Sophia
    It’s very very early in the morning, just one of those nights when you can’t get to sleep but I know you are the one person that really knows what that’s like. So I thought I’d write to you. I watched your video once again its makes me happy. Christmas is the best time because it makes everyone think of all the good things we call them blessings. YOU are a very very special blessing to me and Ill be thinking of you when I wake up Christmas morning.
    Thanks for listening.
    I love you, Grandma Lopez

    P.S. thank you for the great Christmas card, soooo thoughtful

  15. Aunt Chris

    Hi Sophia!
    Aunt Chris here. I’m sorry I haven’t checked in for a while but our computer has been terrible, we just got a new one. I just watched your video and am missing you. You look so happy and your room looks beautiful too. Can’t wait to see you (hopefully for Thanksgiving later this month). It is so nice to go to the stores and look at little girl clothes again. Hope all is well with you and your mom and dad and that you received (and hopefully liked) the little surprise in the card I sent you. Lots of hugs and kisses from the Cosmo family. See you soon.
    Love, Aunt Chris

  16. Aunt Ann

    Well hello Sophia:
    You look so grown up now and have done so much growing up that I feel like I need to use your grown up name. I’m at work now and I just looked at your picture and I knew I had to say hello. (I have your picture in your NY tee up on my bulletin board in the office here, right next to your cousins, Kristin & Nicole) I loved looking at your video and so did my co-workers. They all think you are so adorable. I’m hoping that I get to see you over the holidays. I understand you may be here for Thanksgiving. (Aunt Ann’s favorite holiday, by the way). I’ve got to get back to work, so stay well & happy Ava. Love you

    Aunt Ann

  17. Daddy

    Hi Sophia!

    It’s your Daddy writing from Los Angeles. I miss you very much, and can’t wait to get back home to see you. Don’t grow up too fast! I don’t want to miss anything! Please give your Mommy a big hug and kiss


  18. grandma

    Hi Sophia! I haven’t had a working computer for a month, so I just had the pleasure of watching your video. It was fun to look back and watch your first few months. I especially enjoyed the first day with your mom and dad in the hospital. I have wished I could have been there ,so this was so great to be able to see. I played it a few times and I hope you will be sending more. I know your getting to be a big girl now with teeth and really getting around. I’m sending this with lots of hugs and kisses!
    Grandma and Grandpa Lopez

  19. Grandma

    Hi Sophia,
    Just got the good news of you growing a tooth and also starting to crawl. I can see that you have been very, very busy. You certainly have alot done in your first six months. We enjoyed looking at all the pictures you sent. I especially loved the one with you and your mom by the water and you and your dad in the backyard and of course, the one with you, me and grandpa on the deck.
    Sending lots of hugs and kisses
    Grandma Lopez
    P.S. Have I ever told you how much I enjoy your jokes?… Well I really do.

  20. Sophia sweetheart I was looking for your August picture and I went back to your July picture and that gorgeous big smile of yours, I bet you just finished having some sweet potatoes or else you took a sip from that bottle behind you, just kidding you are just plain beautiful, what can I say.

    Love Grandma Sylvia

  21. Denise

    Hi Sophia, I work with mommy so I get to hear all the new things you do. She talks about you alot. She tells me how good daddy is with you too. I love this website alot & can’t wait to see your videos. Well Ava hope you come to visit me at work again someday, until then bye for now cutie………..

  22. sylvia Martinez

    Good afternoon Sophia:

    It has been so long since I last saw you. But tomorrow Grandpa and I will be there to see you. I hear you are not sleeping anymore, you do need some beauty sleep to keep up your beauty and energy. Have to work on your crawling see you tomorrow precious and I will bring Grandpa along.

    Love Grandma Sylvia

  23. Grandma Lopez

    Hi Sophia. It was soooo wonderful to see you again. You have really grown since the last time I saw you on your one-month birthday. We all want to see you again soon (maybe on Thanksgiving)?, but at least we have some great pictures of you to remind us of your visit to New York. I know it was not easy for Mom and Dad to make this trip and I thank them soooo much.Maybe it will get easier and easier the more trips they make(wishful thinking). You have a great mom and dad, but you alkready know that very well. Sending lots of hugs and kisses.
    Grandma and Grandpa

  24. Aunt Ann

    Dear Little Sophia:
    You’re probably in the air right now on your way back to Chicago but I just had to let you know how much I loved seeing you this weekend. It was fun getting to know. Your smile and your laugh will stay with me for a long time. I love you.

    Hugs & Kisses
    Aunt Ann

  25. Baby Sophia,
    I was so so happy to finally meet you today.Your Mommy & Daddy are so blessed to have you in their lives. I cannot wait to see your new pictures We can see how you were “Hand” made by only Angels ..
    You are such a little Beauty….
    x o x o x o Anthony’s Nani

  26. grandma

    Hi Sophia! Thanks for the new pictures of you. It looks like you might have a favorite soft animal to play with. Well in just a few days it will be the 4th of July, and you might see the sky light up at night with many pretty colors and lights. And then you might hear very loud noises in the sky but don’t you get scared, it’s just all the people celebrating our wonderful country. Now that you are here its a better place. Sending lots of hugs and kisses. Love grandma L.

  27. Anthony (your nephew)

    Hi Sophia! Thank you for coming to my world series game today. It was so good to see you. You are getting bigger everyday.
    I love you,

  28. Kim

    Little Miss Sophia,

    Your Mommy and Daddy are so smart to have this wonderful home page all about you. I love looking at all your pictures and hearing about all your new adventures. I can’t wait to hear more and see more pictures and videos. Have a wonderful 4th of July,enjoy all the beautiful fireworks.


  29. Lisa

    You are just the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen. My husband saw your pictures and said you look just like your mommy….I have to agree!! I loved looking at all your pictures and reading about your new adventures. You are one lucky lady!!


  30. Jill

    Sweet Beautiful Sophia,

    I am so lucky to have been able to hold you and kiss your “yummy” checks. I have a sweet picture of you on my fridge. I so look forward to seeing you again soon. OXO

    P.S. Tell your Auntie Irene to come for more visits!!! (she will listen to you)

  31. grandma

    Hi Sophia. Its Grandma and it very late and I can’t get to sleep Do you ever have a night like that? If you do, I know your mom and dad will be very understanding because it’s hard to fall asleep when you just don’t feel like sleeping,RIGHT? Well I’m going to say goodnight to you now because just sharing this with you has made me feel like I can go to sleep now. Thanks for listening, and remember I’m a good listener just like you! Sending lots of hugs and kisses to you. Love Grandma Lopez

  32. Larry and Judy

    You are too sweet! Can’t wait to see you in person. Love to your mommy and daddy. Hugs and kisses, Hope your 1st Fourth of July will be a big blast! Judy and Larry

  33. grandma

    Hi Sophia. Have you taken your 4-month old picture yet? I’m looking forward to seeing it and how much you have grown. It looks like I might be getting to see you soon, and we are all looking forward to that day. What have you been up to these days? I’d like to see a smiling picture of you. You’re Dad tells me your a happy girl. Well, of course, you are with such a loving mom and dad……sending lots of hugs and kisses to you…Grandma and Grandpa Lopez

  34. kayla

    Hi! You look soooooooo cute. I can’t wait to see you again.

  35. Aunt Ann

    Hi Sophia, this is your Aunt Ann from New York. I loved reading about all your exciting news and I really enjoyed looking at your pictures. You write beautifully for a young girl. I like to think you got that from me.
    It looks like you’re growing up real fast. I can’t wait to meet you face to face. Give my love to your mom and if you have to, dad too. (haha) Only kidding, your dad knows I love him.
    Love You and hope to see you soon!!!

  36. Gina

    Wow!! Sophia, you are one lucky girl to have such a smart Daddy! You are absolutely gorgeous and I can’t wait to watch all of your newest tricks online. Good luck with that rolling over thing! Lucia wants to borrow some of those pretty outfits you have!

  37. Sarah

    Baby Sophia, You are so very sweet! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful Mommy & Daddy! I always love to hear about your new adventures and your pictures are so so cute! I can’t wait to see more!!!

  38. grandma

    Hi Sophia. This is so wonderful that I’m going to find out all the things you see and places you go. It’s so like my granddaughter to think of a website of her own. You are growing very quickly you’ll be 4 months very soon. Remember what a good time we had when Grandpa and I came to visit on your one month-birthday? We miss you and hope you and mom and dad will visit us soo. We love you,
    Grandma and Grandpa Lopez

  39. sylvia Martinez

    Good morning Sophia, precious little princess.

    You look adorable on your Website, you are so lucky to have such a smart Daddy. How is your rolling over coming along? Don’t tire yourself out too
    much, you have a lot more to do.

    Love Grandma and Grandpa Martinez

  40. Aunt Irene

    My dearest Sophia,
    I’m so happy that I’m not going to miss you doing cute stuff as you grow. Living in San Francisco makes it hard for me to see you as much as I’d like to, but you sure are making it easy for those of us that live far away from you to see all your adorable thoughts, movements, and gestures. I really can’t wait til the video section is up and running. I’m just dying to see how you roll over.
    Your Auntie Irenie

  41. Dearest Little Sophia,
    I am really happy that you are so very loved by your mommy, daddy and all of us. I love you little Angel Ava, Auntie Agie

  42. Aunt Chris

    Hi Sophia, This is your Aunt Chris from New York. I am here with your cousins Angelina and Francesca and we are loving your web page. Please keep us informed of all that is happening with you and your mom and dad. We cannot wait to meet you. Sending you lots of hugs and kisses from the Big Apple…..Love You Sweetie!!!!

  43. Elisa

    Hi Sophia

    It’s wonderful that you have such a cool website to show off how cute you are! Your mommy and daddy are so lucky to have such a smart and beautiful little girl!

  44. Mommie

    Wow Sophia! You sure look cute in print. It was so neat for your Daddie to surprise us with this website. I love you both! You two are definately my favorite people.

  45. Auntie Diana

    Dearest Sophia,

    I LOVE your website!!! How did you know at such a young age to put together something so beautiful? (I didn’t even know you could type!) I can’t wait for more updates and pictures and will be checking in often!

    Auntie Diana

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