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Out Clothing
Business in a Box
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Our clothing

All of the clothing which we provide is ethical and environmentally friendly. Wherever possible we manufacture our clothing in Africa, currently it is only the female hoody range that is not manufactured in Africa. Our aim is to help create sustainable employment for many people on the African continent.

From Africa the clothing arrives here in England as blanks ready to be personalised with whatever prints or embroideries needed. If the customer has a design already produced we can print or embroider it onto the clothing. Or if there is a need for a design making up our designers will be able to create it. With the ability to add specified labels to the inside of the clothing we are able to create a whole brand.

Once designed and completed they are then delivered directly to the customer. One of our core values is service. We are always here to help and ensure we provide the best quality of service.



© 2008 Push Play On Campus