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Frequently Asked Questions

How many suppliers get each the lead?

Each lead is sent to 4 companies on average so that buyers can compare quotes effectively. With lead fees starting at under £3 it is possible to achieve a very healthy ROI.

What kind of commitment do I have to make when signing up?

There is no commitment. The number of leads you sign up for and your coverage area is up to you to decide.

How does Local Mobile Phone Repairs attract so many buyers?

We publish thousands of articles on business to business purchasing which appear highly in search engine results pages, boast over 150,000 newsletter subscribers and run extensive paid search campaigns. Our coverage of business products, services and equipment mixed with our online marketing expertise make us a daily destination for business buyers.

What if I have a problem with a particular lead?

In the rare event that a lead contains inaccurate buyer information or is not legitimate, we will grant you a replacement lead.

Do you generate leads from across the UK?

Yes. Our buyers come from all areas of the United Kingdom.