Hypnosis information

The term "hypnosis" denotes an interaction between one person, the 'hypnotist', and another person, the 'subject'. In this interaction the hypnotist works with the subject to bring about a therapeutic change in perceptions, feelings, thinking and behaviour. The hypnotist will use 'suggestions' and invite the subject to use associated imagery which will allow the subject to experience therapeutic change.

Research on hypnosis has shown that suggestions can bring about changes in the way information is processed in the brain. For more information on hypnosis research click here (www.hypnosisandsuggestion.org/research.html)

Over the years people have defined hypnosis differently and it still remains a contentious issue. Here are a number of important definitions:

APA 2003 / 2007

"Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness in which the individual withdraws his peripheral awareness and concentrates all attention on a focal goal... is related to the ability to concentrate in an attentive, responsive manner, even to the point of dissociation" (Spiegel, 1972).

"...a communication of ideas and understandings to a patient in such a fashion that he will be most receptive to the presented ideas and thereby motivated to explore his own body potentials for the control of his psychological and physiological responses and behaviour" (Erickson & Rossi, 1980)

Irving Kirsh definition

Wagstaff definition

